Research conducted at the LGCRL Research Lab focuses on the following thematic research areas:

Typographic rendering of the Cypriot dialect

How to express the Cypriot dialect in writing:

  • Collection of bibliography on the writing of the dialect.
  • Collection, recording and classification of the dialect writing systems in Cypriot editions.
  • Study of the typographic conventions and practices followed during design and printing reproduction.
  • Investigating and evaluating current orthographic systems at a microtypographic level.
  • Investigating and evaluating current orthographic systems in terms of usability.
  • Study of Greek-Cypriot speaker attitudes towards and preferences for the rendering of dialect phonemes in writing.
Visual language and technology

Typographic representation of language in various means, modern typographic design, language visualization and new technologies.

Legibility and readability studies on text perception and understanding are an important tool for the graphic designer/typographer/researcher and are aimed at improving the reader’s visual communication, thus promoting and establishing the culture of visual perception and clarity. Focus is on studies concerning Greek language, since this field has not been sufficiently explored.

Informal visual language

Ephemeral design, vernacular typography and the visualization of language in everyday practices.

Urban graphic language

Typographic design and graphic representation of language in the urban environment.

LGCRL Lab collects and records in a photographic archive, precious samples of Typography from the historic center of Lemesos city; ephemeral or obsolete samples, that gradually fade, as the city gets rapidly modernized.

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