
Selected samples of artistic production that have been exhibited and/or published in international refereed events/exhibitions/catalogues, which promote and support Graphic Design as a means of artistic expression and communication. The visual outcomes derive from conceptual study and design analysis and relate to the theoretical research conducted at the LGCRL Lab.


Caught you

Papadima, A. (2011). Caught you. The 5th United Designs, International Biennial Design Exhibition. Kyunggido: Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design KECD, 110.


“Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.” Earl Nightingale

A sticky insect trap stands for the disastrous effects of science and technology upon environment. Bad management of nuclear energy, toxic and harmful substances, chemicals, as well as the exhaustion of natural sources is becoming a trap for all living creatures. Mankind is captured into a vicious circle of invention and destruction, wisdom and ignorance.

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